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# vim:syntax=apparmor
# OpenCL access requirements for NVIDIA implementation
#include <abstractions/nvidia>
#include <abstractions/opencl-common>
# Executables
# This setuid executable is used to create various device files and load the
# the nvidia kernel module.
/usr/bin/nvidia-modprobe Px -> nvidia_modprobe,
# System files
# rules:
/dev/nvidia-uvm rw,
/dev/nvidia-uvm-tools rw,
@{sys}/devices/pci[0-9]*/**/config r,
@{sys}/devices/system/memory/block_size_bytes r,
/usr/share/nvidia/** r,
@{PROC}/devices r,
@{PROC}/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr r,
# User files
owner @{HOME}/.nv/ComputeCache/ w,
owner @{HOME}/.nv/ComputeCache/** rw,
owner @{HOME}/.nv/ComputeCache/index rwk,