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141 lines
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7 years ago
set -e
filter_ignore() {
case "$VCS" in
darcs) ignorefile=.darcsignore ;;
git) ignorefile=.gitignore ;;
if [ -n "$ignorefile" ] && [ -e "$ignorefile" ]; then
listfile="$( mktemp -t etckeeper-$VCS.XXXXXXXXXX )"
case "$VCS" in
grep -v '^[[:space:]]*\(#\|$\)' "$ignorefile" > "$listfile" || true
grep -Evf "$listfile"
(git ls-files -oi --exclude-standard; git ls-files -oi --exclude-standard --directory) | sort | uniq > "$listfile" || true
sed 's/^\.\///' | grep -xFvf "$listfile"
rm -f "$listfile"
unset listfile
cat -
shellquote() {
# Single quotes text, escaping existing single quotes.
sed -e "s/'/'\"'\"'/g" -e "s/^/'/" -e "s/$/'/"
generate_metadata() {
# This function generates the script commands to fix any file
# ownerships that aren't owner=root, group=root, as well as to
# store the permissions of files.
# The script is produced on stdout. Errors go to stderr.
# The script can use a 'maybe' function, which only runs a command
# if the file in its last argument exists.
# We want files in the directory containing VCS data
# but we want find to ignore the VCS files themselves.
# (Note that when using this, the find expression must end with
# -print or -exec, else the excluded directories will actually be
# printed!)
NOVCS='. -path ./.git -prune -o -path ./.bzr -prune -o -path ./.hg -prune -o -path ./_darcs -prune -o'
# Keep the sort order the same at all times.
if [ "$VCS" = git ] || [ "$VCS" = hg ]; then
# These version control systems do not track directories,
# so empty directories must be stored specially.
find $NOVCS -type d -empty -print |
sort | shellquote | sed -e "s/^/mkdir -p /"
if [ "$VCS" = darcs ]; then
# This version control system does not track symlinks,
# so they must be stored specially.
find $NOVCS -type l -print | sort | filter_ignore | while read link; do
dest=$( readlink "$link" )
printf "ln -sf '%s' '%s'\n" "$(echo "$dest" | shellquote)" "$(echo "$link" | shellquote)"
# Store things that don't have the default user or group.
# Store all file modes, in case the user has an unusual umask.
find $NOVCS \( -type f -or -type d \) -print | filter_ignore | sort | perl -ne '
BEGIN { $q=chr(39) }
sub uidname {
my $want=shift;
if (exists $uidcache{$want}) {
return $uidcache{$want};
my $name=scalar getpwuid($want);
return $uidcache{$want}=defined $name ? $name : $want;
sub gidname {
my $want=shift;
if (exists $gidcache{$want}) {
return $gidcache{$want};
my $name=scalar getgrgid($want);
return $gidcache{$want}=defined $name ? $name : $want;
my @stat=stat($_);
my $mode = $stat[2];
my $uid = $stat[4];
my $gid = $stat[5];
s/$q/$q"$q"$q/g; # escape single quotes
if ($uid != $>) {
printf "maybe chown $q%s$q %s\n", uidname($uid), $_;
if ($gid != $)) {
printf "maybe chgrp $q%s$q %s\n", gidname($gid), $_;
printf "maybe chmod %04o %s\n", $mode & 07777, $_;
# We don't handle xattrs.
# Maybe check for getfattr/setfattr and use them if they're available?
if [ "$VCS" = git ] || [ "$VCS" = hg ] || [ "$VCS" = bzr ] || [ "$VCS" = darcs ]; then
if [ -f .metadata ]; then
# remove obsolete .metadata file
# git allows fully deleting it at this point, other VCS
# may not (the repo is locked for hg).
if [ "$VCS" = git ]; then
$VCS rm .metadata
rm -f .metadata
echo "# Generated by etckeeper. Do not edit." > .etckeeper
echo >> .etckeeper
# Make sure the file is not readable by others, since it can leak
# information about contents of non-readable directories in /etc.
chmod 700 .etckeeper
generate_metadata >> .etckeeper
# stage the file as part of the current commit
if [ "$VCS" = git ]; then
# this will do nothing if the metadata file is unchanged.
git add .etckeeper
# hg, bzr and darcs add not done, they will automatically
# include the file in the current commit