# Fail2Ban action for sending xarf Login-Attack messages to IP owner # # IMPORTANT: # # Emailing a IP owner of abuse is a serious complain. Make sure that it is # serious. Fail2ban developers and network owners recommend you only use this # action for: # * The recidive where the IP has been banned multiple times # * Where maxretry has been set quite high, beyond the normal user typing # password incorrectly. # * For filters that have a low likelihood of receiving human errors # # DEPENDENCIES: # # This requires the dig command from bind-utils # # This uses the https://abusix.com/contactdb.html to lookup abuse contacts. # # XARF is a specification for sending a formatted response # for non-messaging based abuse including: # # Login-Attack, Malware-Attack, Fraud (Phishing, etc.), Info DNSBL # # For details see: # https://github.com/abusix/xarf-specification # http://www.x-arf.org/schemata.html # # Author: Daniel Black # Based on complain written by Russell Odom # # [Definition] actionstart = actionstop = actioncheck = actionban = oifs=${IFS}; IFS=.;SEP_IP=( ); set -- ${SEP_IP}; ADDRESSES=$(dig +short -t txt -q $4.$3.$2.$1.abuse-contacts.abusix.org); IFS=${oifs} IP= FROM= SERVICE= FAILURES= REPORTID=