# Fail2Ban configuration file # # Author: Guido Bozzetto # Modified: Cyril Jaquier # # make "f2b-" chain to match drop IP # make "f2b--log" chain to log and drop # insert a jump to f2b- from -I if proto/port match # # [INCLUDES] before = iptables-common.conf [Definition] # Option: actionstart # Notes.: command executed once at the start of Fail2Ban. # Values: CMD # actionstart = -N f2b- -A f2b- -j -I 1 -p -m multiport --dports -j f2b- -N f2b--log -I f2b--log -j LOG --log-prefix "$(expr f2b- : '\(.\{1,23\}\)'):DROP " --log-level warning -m limit --limit 6/m --limit-burst 2 -A f2b--log -j # Option: actionstop # Notes.: command executed once at the end of Fail2Ban # Values: CMD # actionstop = -D -p -m multiport --dports -j f2b- -F f2b- -F f2b--log -X f2b- -X f2b--log # Option: actioncheck # Notes.: command executed once before each actionban command # Values: CMD # actioncheck = -n -L f2b--log >/dev/null # Option: actionban # Notes.: command executed when banning an IP. Take care that the # command is executed with Fail2Ban user rights. # Tags: See jail.conf(5) man page # Values: CMD # actionban = -I f2b- 1 -s -j f2b--log # Option: actionunban # Notes.: command executed when unbanning an IP. Take care that the # command is executed with Fail2Ban user rights. # Tags: See jail.conf(5) man page # Values: CMD # actionunban = -D f2b- -s -j f2b--log [Init]