#!/bin/sh if [ "$1" = fmt ]; then # If the list format changes, change the fmt if [ "$LOWLEVEL_PACKAGE_MANAGER" = dpkg ]; then echo 2 else echo "" fi else # Output to stdout a *sorted* list of all currently installed # (or removed but still with config-files) packages, in the # format "package version\n" (or something similar). if [ "$LOWLEVEL_PACKAGE_MANAGER" = dpkg ]; then dpkg-query -W -f '${Status}\t${Package} ${Version} ${Architecture}\n' | \ egrep '(ok installed|ok config-files)' | cut -f2,3 elif [ "$LOWLEVEL_PACKAGE_MANAGER" = rpm ]; then rpm -qa --qf "%|epoch?{%{epoch}}:{0}|:%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\n" | sort elif [ "$LOWLEVEL_PACKAGE_MANAGER" = pacman ]; then pacman -Q elif [ "$LOWLEVEL_PACKAGE_MANAGER" = pacmatic ]; then pacmatic -Q elif [ "$LOWLEVEL_PACKAGE_MANAGER" = pkgng ]; then pkg info -E "*" elif [ "$LOWLEVEL_PACKAGE_MANAGER" = apk ]; then apk info -v | sort fi fi