Default true 75 true 150 true true 0 true true false true true Presentation Minimizer Steps < ~Back ~Next > ~Finish Cancel Introduction The Presentation Minimizer is used to reduce the file size of the current presentation. Images will be compressed and data, that is no longer needed, will be removed. At the last step of the wizard you can choose to apply the changes to the current presentation or to create an optimized new version of the presentation. ~Choose settings for the Presentation Minimization Wizard ~Delete Choose settings for optimizing images Images ~Lossless compression ~JPEG compression ~Quality ~Delete cropped image areas ~Image Resolution 0;<no change> 96;96 DPI (screen resolution) 150;150 DPI (projector resolution) 250;250 DPI 300;300 DPI (print resolution) 600;600 DPI ~Embed external images OLE Objects Choose settings for replacing OLE objects Create static replacement images for OLE objects For ~all OLE objects ~For OLE objects not based on OpenDocument format Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) is a technology that allows embedding and linking to documents and other objects. The current presentation contains no OLE objects. Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) is a technology that allows embedding and linking to documents and other objects. The current presentation contains no OLE objects. Slides Choose which slides to delete Delete unused ~master pages ~Clear notes Delete hidden ~slides Delete slides that are not used for the ~custom slide show Summary Choose where to apply the following changes ~Apply changes to current presentation ~Open newly created presentation ~Save settings as ~Duplicate presentation before applying changes Delete %SLIDES slides Optimize %IMAGES images to %QUALITY% JPEG quality at %RESOLUTION DPI. Create replacement images for %OLE objects. Current file size: Estimated new file size: My Settings OK The Presentation Minimizer has successfully updated the presentation '%TITLE'. The file size has changed from %OLDFILESIZE MB to %NEWFILESIZE MB. The Presentation Minimizer has successfully updated the presentation '%TITLE'. The file size has changed from %OLDFILESIZE MB to approximated %NEWFILESIZE MB. The Presentation Minimizer has successfully updated the presentation '%TITLE'. The file size has changed to %NEWFILESIZE MB. The Presentation Minimizer has successfully updated the presentation '%TITLE'. The file size has changed to approximated %NEWFILESIZE MB. Duplicating presentation... Deleting slides... Optimizing images... Creating replacement images for OLE objects... . (minimized) Do you want to minimize presentation without saving? 0 0 Once false false DefaultTheme DefaultLayout 0 Presentation Minimizer Steps < ~Back ~Next > ~Finish Cancel Introduction The Presentation Minimizer is used to reduce the file size of the current presentation. Images will be compressed and data, that is no longer needed, will be removed. At the last step of the wizard you can choose to apply the changes to the current presentation or to create an optimized new version of the presentation. ~Choose settings for Presentation Minimizer ~Delete Choose settings for optimizing images Images ~Lossless compression ~JPEG compression ~Quality in % ~Delete cropped image areas Reduce ~image resolution 0;<no change> 96;96 DPI (screen resolution) 150;150 DPI (projector resolution) 250;250 DPI (print resolution) 300;300 DPI (print resolution) 600;600 DPI (print resolution) ~Embed external images OLE Objects Choose settings for replacing OLE objects Create static replacement images for OLE objects For ~all OLE objects ~For OLE objects not based on OpenDocument format Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) is a technology that allows embedding and linking to documents and other objects. The current presentation contains OLE objects. Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) is a technology that allows embedding and linking to documents and other objects. The current presentation contains no OLE objects. Slides Choose which slides to delete Delete unused ~master slides ~Clear notes Delete hidden ~slides Delete slides that are not used for the ~custom slide show Summary Choose where to apply the following changes ~Apply changes to current presentation ~Open newly created presentation ~Save settings as ~Duplicate presentation before applying changes Delete %SLIDES slides. Optimize %IMAGES images to %QUALITY% JPEG quality at %RESOLUTION DPI. Create replacement images for %OLE objects. Current file size: Estimated new file size: My Settings OK The Presentation Minimizer has successfully updated the presentation '%TITLE'. The file size has changed from %OLDFILESIZE MB to %NEWFILESIZE MB. The Presentation Minimizer has successfully updated the presentation '%TITLE'. The file size has changed from %OLDFILESIZE MB to approximated %NEWFILESIZE MB. The Presentation Minimizer has successfully updated the presentation '%TITLE'. The file size has changed to %NEWFILESIZE MB. The Presentation Minimizer has successfully updated the presentation '%TITLE'. The file size has changed to approximated %NEWFILESIZE MB. Duplicating presentation... Deleting slides... Optimizing images... Creating replacement images for OLE objects... . (minimized) Do you want to minimize presentation without saving? Projector optimized E-mail (96 DPI): minimize document size for sharing 70 96 Web (150 DPI): good for web pages and projectors Print (300 DPI): excellent quality on most printers and screens 80 300 High fidelity: preserves quality of the original picture 80 0 PreviousSlide Button Previous bitmaps/ButtonSlidePreviousNormal.png 12 Bold B3B7BC Center bitmaps/ButtonSlidePreviousMouseOver.png FFFFFF bitmaps/ButtonSlidePreviousDisabled.png NextEffect Button Next bitmaps/ButtonEffectNextNormal.png 12 Bold B3B7BC Center bitmaps/ButtonEffectNextMouseOver.png FFFFFF bitmaps/ButtonEffectNextDisabled.png Notes Button Notes bitmaps/ButtonNotesNormal.png 12 Bold B3B7BC Center bitmaps/ButtonNotesMouseOver.png FFFFFF bitmaps/ButtonNotesSelected.png FFFFFF bitmaps/ButtonNotesDisabled.png SlideSorter Button Slides bitmaps/ButtonSlideSorterNormal.png 12 Bold B3B7BC Center bitmaps/ButtonSlideSorterMouseOver.png FFFFFF bitmaps/ButtonSlideSorterSelected.png FFFFFF bitmaps/ButtonSlideSorterDisabled.png VerticalSeparator 76797C ChangeOrientation CurrentTimeLabel 18 Bold ffffff Center HorizontalSeparator 71767a PresentationTimeLabel 26 Bold ffe969 Center ChangeOrientation RestartTimer Button Restart bitmaps/ButtonRestartTimerNormal.png 12 Bold B3B7BC Center bitmaps/ButtonRestartTimerMouseOver.png FFFFFF VerticalSeparator 76797C SwitchMonitor Button Exchange bitmaps/ButtonSwitchMonitorNormal.png 12 Bold B3B7BC Center bitmaps/ButtonSwitchMonitorMouseOver.png FFFFFF bitmaps/ButtonSwitchMonitorDisabled.png VerticalSeparator 76797C Help Button Help bitmaps/ButtonHelpNormal.png 12 Bold B3B7BC Center bitmaps/ButtonHelpMouseOver.png FFFFFF bitmaps/ButtonHelpSelected.png FFFFFF bitmaps/ButtonHelpDisabled.png Zoom Label Zoom 14 Bold B3B7BC Grow Button bitmaps/ButtonPlusNormal.png bitmaps/ButtonPlusMouseOver.png bitmaps/ButtonPlusDisabled.png Shrink Button bitmaps/ButtonMinusNormal.png bitmaps/ButtonMinusMouseOver.png bitmaps/ButtonMinusDisabled.png SlideSorterCloser Close NotesViewCloser Close HelpViewCloser Close Up bitmaps/ScrollbarArrowUpNormal.png bitmaps/ScrollbarArrowUpMouseOver.png bitmaps/ScrollbarArrowUpDisabled.png Down bitmaps/ScrollbarArrowDownNormal.png bitmaps/ScrollbarArrowDownMouseOver.png bitmaps/ScrollbarArrowDownDisabled.png Animation bitmaps/Animation.png bitmaps/Animation.png bitmaps/Animation.png Transition bitmaps/Transition.png bitmaps/Transition.png bitmaps/Transition.png PagerVertical bitmaps/ScrollbarPagerMiddleNormal.png bitmaps/ScrollbarPagerMiddleMouseOver.png ThumbTop bitmaps/ScrollbarThumbTopNormal.png bitmaps/ScrollbarThumbTopMouseOver.png ThumbBottom bitmaps/ScrollbarThumbBottomNormal.png bitmaps/ScrollbarThumbBottomMouseOver.png ThumbVertical bitmaps/ScrollbarThumbMiddleNormal.png bitmaps/ScrollbarThumbMiddleMouseOver.png 9 9 9 9 bitmaps/BorderCurrentSlideTopLeft.png bitmaps/BorderCurrentSlideTop.png bitmaps/BorderCurrentSlideTopRight.png bitmaps/BorderCurrentSlideLeft.png bitmaps/BorderCurrentSlideRight.png bitmaps/BorderCurrentSlideBottomLeft.png bitmaps/BorderCurrentSlideBottom.png bitmaps/BorderCurrentSlideBottomRight.png Left click, right or down arrow, spacebar, page down, enter, return, 'N' Next slide, or next effect Right click, left or up arrow, page up, backspace, 'P' Previous slide, or previous effect Home First slide End Last slide Alt-Page Up Previous slide without effects Alt-Page Down Next slide without effects 'B', '.' Blacks/Unblacks the screen 'W', ',' Whites/Unwhites the screen Esc, '-' End slide show Number followed by Enter Go to that slide 'G', 'S' Grow/Shrink size of notes font 'A', 'Z' Scroll notes up/down 'H', 'L' Move caret in notes view backward/forward Ctrl-'1' Shows the Presenter Console Ctrl-'2' Shows the Presentation Notes Ctrl-'3' Shows the Slides Overview Ctrl-'4' Switches monitors DefaultTheme DefaultPaneStyle Bold 14 B3B7BC Center -7 6 6 6 6 20 28 20 29 bitmaps/BorderTop.png 6 bitmaps/BorderTopLeft.png 6 6 bitmaps/BorderTopRight.png -6 6 bitmaps/BorderLeft.png 6 bitmaps/BorderRight.png -6 bitmaps/BorderBottomLeft.png 6 -6 bitmaps/BorderBottomRight.png -6 -6 bitmaps/BorderBottom.png -6 ActivePaneStyle DefaultPaneStyle Bold 14 FFFFFF Center -10 bitmaps/BorderActiveTop.png 6 bitmaps/BorderActiveTopLeft.png 6 6 bitmaps/BorderActiveTopRight.png -6 6 bitmaps/BorderActiveLeft.png 6 bitmaps/BorderActiveRight.png -6 bitmaps/BorderActiveBottomLeft.png 6 -6 bitmaps/BorderActiveBottomRight.png -6 -6 bitmaps/BorderActiveBottom.png -6 ToolbarPaneStyle 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 0 bitmaps/BorderToolbarTop.png 4 bitmaps/BorderToolbarTopLeft.png 4 4 bitmaps/BorderToolbarTopRight.png -4 4 bitmaps/BorderToolbarLeft.png 4 bitmaps/BorderToolbarRight.png -4 bitmaps/BorderToolbarLeft.png 4 bitmaps/BorderToolbarRight.png -4 bitmaps/BorderToolbarBottom.png -4 ActiveBottomCalloutPaneStyle ActivePaneStyle 52 bitmaps/BorderActiveBottomCallout.png -6 49 41 DefaultViewStyle 20 FFFFFF bitmaps/ViewBackground.png Repeat Repeat 33000000 NotesViewStyle DefaultViewStyle Bold 26 d1d6dc SlideSorterViewStyle DefaultViewStyle HelpViewStyle DefaultViewStyle Bold 20 ffffff bitmaps/Background.png E4EFF9 Repeat Stretch ButtonFrameLeft bitmaps/ButtonFrameLeftNormal.png bitmaps/ButtonFrameLeftMouseOver.png 2 ButtonFrameCenter bitmaps/ButtonFrameCenterNormal.png bitmaps/ButtonFrameCenterMouseOver.png 2 ButtonFrameRight bitmaps/ButtonFrameRightNormal.png bitmaps/ButtonFrameRightMouseOver.png 2 bitmaps/LabelMouseOverLeft.png bitmaps/LabelMouseOverCenter.png bitmaps/LabelMouseOverRight.png bitmaps/ButtonSlideNextNormal.png Bold 18 b3b7bc Bold 18 ffffff Bold 20 ffffff Bold 24 e02050 private:resource/pane/Presenter/Pane1 ActivePaneStyle private:resource/view/Presenter/CurrentSlidePreview DefaultViewStyle private:resource/pane/Presenter/Pane2 DefaultPaneStyle private:resource/view/Presenter/NextSlidePreview DefaultViewStyle private:resource/pane/Presenter/Pane4 ToolbarPaneStyle private:resource/view/Presenter/ToolBar DefaultViewStyle private:resource/pane/Presenter/Pane3 ActivePaneStyle private:resource/view/Presenter/Notes NotesViewStyle private:resource/view/Presenter/SlideSorter SlideSorterViewStyle private:resource/pane/Presenter/Overlay ActivePaneStyle private:resource/view/Presenter/Help HelpViewStyle private:resource/pane/Presenter/Pane6 ActivePaneStyle private:resource/view/Presenter/CurrentSlidePreview Current Slide (%CURRENT_SLIDE_NUMBER% of %SLIDE_COUNT%) Current Slide, %CURRENT_SLIDE_NAME%, %CURRENT_SLIDE_NUMBER% of %SLIDE_COUNT% true Click to exit presentation... Current Slide (end) private:resource/view/Presenter/NextSlidePreview Next Slide private:resource/view/Presenter/ToolBar private:resource/view/Presenter/Notes Notes private:resource/view/Presenter/SlideSorter Slide Overview, %CURRENT_SLIDE_NAME%, %CURRENT_SLIDE_NUMBER% of %SLIDE_COUNT% private:resource/view/Presenter/Help Help DefaultLayout private:resource/pane/Presenter/Pane1 private:resource/view/Presenter/CurrentSlidePreview 0.05 0.05 0.50 0.50 private:resource/pane/Presenter/Pane2 private:resource/view/Presenter/NextSlidePreview 0.60 0.05 0.35 0.35 private:resource/pane/Presenter/Pane4 private:resource/view/Presenter/ToolBar 0.60 0.45 0.25 0.1 private:resource/pane/Presenter/Pane3 private:resource/view/Presenter/Notes 0.05 0.60 0.9 0.35 private:resource/pane/Presenter/Overlay private:resource/view/Presenter/SlideSorter 0.05 0.05 0.95 0.8 private:resource/pane/Presenter/Pane6 private:resource/view/Presenter/Help 0.05 0.05 0.95 0.8 Presenter Console Current Slide Info Presenter Notes Appear Fly In Venetian Blinds Box Checkerboard Circle Oval Vertical Fly in Slow Diamond Dissolve In Fade In Flash Once Peek In Plus Random Bars Spiral In Split Stretchy Diagonal Squares Swivel Wedge Wheel Wipe Zoom Random Effects Boomerang Bounce Colored Lettering Movie Credits Ease In Float Turn and Grow Put on the Brakes Pinwheel Rise Up Falling In Thread Unfold Whip Ascend Center Revolve Fade in and Swivel Descend Sling Spin In Compress Magnify Curve Up Fade in and Zoom Glide Expand Flip Fold Change Fill Color Change Font Change Font Color Change Font Size Change Font Style Grow and Shrink Change Line Color Spin Transparency Bold Flash Color Over by Word Reveal Underline Color Blend Color Over by Letter Complementary Color Complementary Color 2 Contrasting Color Darken Desaturate Flash Bulb Lighten Vertical Highlight Flicker Grow With Color Shimmer Teeter Blast Blink Style Emphasis Bold Reveal Wave Venetian Blinds Box Checkerboard Circle Crawl Out Diamond Disappear Dissolve Flash Once Fly Out Peek Out Plus Random Bars Random Effects Split Diagonal Squares Wedge Wheel Wipe Contract Fade Out Fade out and Swivel Fade out and Zoom Ascend Center Revolve Collapse Colored Lettering Descend Ease Out Turn and Grow Sink Down Spin Out Stretchy Unfold Zoom Boomerang Bounce Movie Credits Curve Down Flip Float Fold Glide Put on the Brakes Magnify Pinwheel Sling Spiral Out Swish Swivel Thread Whip Curve Polygon Freeform Line 4 Point Star 5 Point Star 6 Point Star 8 Point Star Circle Crescent Moon Diamond Equal Triangle Oval Heart Hexagon Octagon Parallelogram Pentagon Right Triangle Square Teardrop Trapezoid Arc Down Arc Left Arc Right Arc Up Bounce Left Bounce Right Curvy Left Left Right Spiral Left Spiral Right Sine Wave S Curve 1 S Curve 2 Heartbeat Curvy Right Decaying Wave Diagonal Down Right Diagonal Up Right Down Funnel Spring Stairs Down Turn Down Turn Down Right Turn Up Turn Up Right Up Wave Zigzag Bean Buzz Saw Curved Square Curved X Curvy Star Figure 8 Four Horizontal Figure 8 Inverted Square Inverted Triangle Loop de Loop Neutron Peanut Clover Pointy Star Swoosh Vertical Figure 8 Start media End media Toggle pause Basic Special Moderate Exciting Subtle Lines and Curves Vertical Horizontal In Across Down Up From bottom From left From right From top From bottom left From bottom right From top left From top right Horizontal in Horizontal out Vertical in Vertical out Out Out from screen center In from screen center In slightly Out slightly Left down Left up Right up Right down To bottom To left To right To top To bottom-left To bottom-right To top-left To top-right Clockwise Counter-clockwise Downward From bottom-right horizontal From bottom-right vertical From center clockwise From center counter-clockwise From top-left clockwise From top-left horizontal From top-left vertical From top-right counter-clockwise From left to bottom From left to top From right to bottom From right to top Subtle Exciting subtle Venetian exciting 3D Venetian subtle Box subtle Checkers subtle Comb subtle Cover subtle Uncover subtle Wipe subtle Wedge subtle Wheel subtle Push subtle Cut subtle Fade subtle Bars subtle Shape subtle Split subtle Diagonal subtle Random subtle Dissolve exciting Fine Dissolve exciting Newsflash exciting Tiles exciting Cube exciting Circles exciting Helix exciting Fall exciting Turn Around exciting Turn Down exciting Iris exciting Rochade exciting Static exciting Vortex exciting Ripple exciting Glitter exciting Honeycomb Plain Smoothly Through Black Through White Left to Right Top Left to Bottom Right Top to Bottom Top Right to Bottom Left Right to Left Bottom Right to Top Left Bottom to Top Bottom Left to Top Right Vertical Horizontal In Out Across Down Up Right Left Circle Oval Horizontal Oval Vertical Diamond Plus Horizontal In Horizontal Out Vertical In Vertical Out Clockwise 1 Spoke Clockwise 2 Spokes Clockwise 3 Spokes Clockwise 4 Spokes Clockwise 8 Spokes Counterclockwise 1 Spoke Counterclockwise 2 Spokes Counterclockwise 3 Spokes Counterclockwise 4 Spokes Counterclockwise 8 Spokes Inside Outside venetian-blinds horizontal venetian-blinds vertical box in box out checkerboard across checkerboard down comb horizontal comb vertical cover top-bottom cover right-left cover left-right cover bottom-top cover top-right-bottom-left cover bottom-right-top-left cover top-left-bottom-right cover bottom-left-top-right cut plain cut through-black dissolve finedissolve fade smoothly fade through-black fade through-white newsflash push top-bottom push right-left push left-right push bottom-top random-bars horizontal random-bars vertical shape circle shape oval-horizontal shape oval-vertical shape diamond shape plus split horizontal-in split horizontal-out split vertical-in split vertical-out diagonal-squares top-right-bottom-left diagonal-squares bottom-right-top-left diagonal-squares top-left-bottom-right diagonal-squares bottom-left-top-right uncover top-bottom uncover right-left uncover left-right uncover bottom-top uncover top-right-bottom-left uncover bottom-right-top-left uncover top-left-bottom-right uncover bottom-left-top-right wedge wheel cw-1-spoke wheel cw-2-spoke wheel cw-3-spoke wheel cw-4-spoke wheel cw-8-spoke wipe top-bottom wipe right-left wipe left-right wipe bottom-top random tile-flip cube-turning outside cube-turning inside revolving-circles turning-helix fall turn-around iris turn-down rochade venetian-blinds-3d vertical venetian-blinds-3d horizontal static vortex ripple glitter honeycomb Basic ooo-entrance-appear;ooo-entrance-fly-in;ooo-entrance-venetian-blinds;ooo-entrance-box;ooo-entrance-checkerboard;ooo-entrance-circle;ooo-entrance-oval;ooo-entrance-fly-in-slow;ooo-entrance-diamond;ooo-entrance-dissolve-in;ooo-entrance-flash-once;ooo-entrance-peek-in;ooo-entrance-plus;ooo-entrance-random-bars;ooo-entrance-split;ooo-entrance-diagonal-squares;ooo-entrance-wedge;ooo-entrance-wheel;ooo-entrance-wipe;ooo-entrance-random Special ooo-entrance-fade-in;ooo-entrance-fade-in-and-swivel;ooo-entrance-fade-in-and-zoom;ooo-entrance-expand Moderate ooo-entrance-stretchy;ooo-entrance-zoom;ooo-entrance-colored-lettering;ooo-entrance-ease-in;ooo-entrance-turn-and-grow;ooo-entrance-rise-up;ooo-entrance-unfold;ooo-entrance-ascend;ooo-entrance-center-revolve;ooo-entrance-descend;ooo-entrance-spin-in;ooo-entrance-compress Exciting ooo-entrance-spiral-in;ooo-entrance-swivel;ooo-entrance-boomerang;ooo-entrance-bounce;ooo-entrance-movie-credits;ooo-entrance-float;ooo-entrance-breaks;ooo-entrance-pinwheel;ooo-entrance-falling-in;ooo-entrance-thread;ooo-entrance-whip;ooo-entrance-sling;ooo-entrance-magnify;ooo-entrance-curve-up;ooo-entrance-glide;ooo-entrance-flip;ooo-entrance-fold Basic ooo-emphasis-fill-color;ooo-emphasis-font;ooo-emphasis-font-color;ooo-emphasis-font-size;ooo-emphasis-font-style;ooo-emphasis-grow-and-shrink;ooo-emphasis-line-color;ooo-emphasis-spin;ooo-emphasis-transparency Special ooo-emphasis-bold-flash;ooo-emphasis-color-over-by-word;ooo-emphasis-reveal-underline;ooo-emphasis-color-blend;ooo-emphasis-color-over-by-letter;ooo-emphasis-complementary-color;ooo-emphasis-complementary-color-2;ooo-emphasis-contrasting-color;ooo-emphasis-darken;ooo-emphasis-desaturate;ooo-emphasis-flash-bulb;ooo-emphasis-lighten Moderate ooo-emphasis-flicker;ooo-emphasis-grow-with-color;ooo-emphasis-teeter;ooo-emphasis-shimmer Exciting ooo-emphasis-blast;ooo-emphasis-bold-reveal;ooo-emphasis-style-emphasis;ooo-emphasis-wave;ooo-emphasis-blink Basic ooo-exit-disappear;ooo-exit-fly-out;ooo-exit-venetian-blinds;ooo-exit-box;ooo-exit-checkerboard;ooo-exit-circle;ooo-exit-crawl-out;ooo-exit-diamond;ooo-exit-dissolve;ooo-exit-flash-once;ooo-exit-peek-out;ooo-exit-plus;ooo-exit-random-bars;ooo-exit-diagonal-squares;ooo-exit-split;ooo-exit-wedge;ooo-exit-wheel;ooo-exit-wipe;ooo-exit-random Special ooo-exit-fade-out;ooo-exit-fade-out-and-swivel;ooo-exit-fade-out-and-zoom;ooo-exit-contract Moderate ooo-exit-collapse;ooo-exit-zoom;ooo-exit-colored-lettering;ooo-exit-ease-out;ooo-exit-turn-and-grow;ooo-exit-sink-down;ooo-exit-unfold;ooo-exit-descend;ooo-exit-center-revolve;ooo-exit-ascend;ooo-exit-spin-out;ooo-exit-stretchy Exciting ooo-exit-swivel;ooo-exit-boomerang;ooo-exit-bounce;ooo-exit-movie-credits;ooo-exit-float;ooo-exit-breaks;ooo-exit-pinwheel;ooo-exit-swish;ooo-exit-thread;ooo-exit-whip;ooo-exit-sling;ooo-exit-magnify;ooo-exit-curve-down;ooo-exit-glide;ooo-exit-flip;ooo-exit-fold Basic ooo-motionpath-4-point-star;ooo-motionpath-5-point-star;ooo-motionpath-6-point-star;ooo-motionpath-8-point-star;ooo-motionpath-circle;ooo-motionpath-crescent-moon;ooo-motionpath-diamond;ooo-motionpath-equal-triangle;ooo-motionpath-oval;ooo-motionpath-heart;ooo-motionpath-left;ooo-motionpath-right;ooo-motionpath-hexagon;ooo-motionpath-octagon;ooo-motionpath-parallelogram;ooo-motionpath-pentagon;ooo-motionpath-right-triangle;ooo-motionpath-square;ooo-motionpath-teardrop;ooo-motionpath-trapezoid Lines and Curves ooo-motionpath-arc-down;ooo-motionpath-arc-left;ooo-motionpath-arc-right;ooo-motionpath-arc-up;ooo-motionpath-bounce-left;ooo-motionpath-bounce-right;ooo-motionpath-curvy-left;ooo-motionpath-curvy-right;ooo-motionpath-decaying-wave;ooo-motionpath-diagonal-down-right;ooo-motionpath-diagonal-up-right;ooo-motionpath-down;ooo-motionpath-funnel;ooo-motionpath-heartbeat;ooo-motionpath-left;ooo-motionpath-right;ooo-motionpath-s-curve-1;ooo-motionpath-s-curve-2;ooo-motionpath-sine-wave;ooo-motionpath-spiral-left;ooo-motionpath-spiral-right;ooo-motionpath-spring;ooo-motionpath-stairs-down;ooo-motionpath-turn-down;ooo-motionpath-turn-down-right;ooo-motionpath-turn-up;ooo-motionpath-turn-up-right;ooo-motionpath-up;ooo-motionpath-wave;ooo-motionpath-zigzag Special ooo-motionpath-bean;ooo-motionpath-buzz-saw;ooo-motionpath-clover;ooo-motionpath-curved-square;ooo-motionpath-curvy-star;ooo-motionpath-figure-8-four;ooo-motionpath-horizontal-figure-8;ooo-motionpath-inverted-square;ooo-motionpath-inverted-triangle;ooo-motionpath-loop-de-loop;ooo-motionpath-neutron;ooo-motionpath-peanut;ooo-motionpath-pointy-star;ooo-motionpath-swoosh;ooo-motionpath-vertical-figure-8 Media ooo-media-start;ooo-media-toggle-pause;ooo-media-stop 3D Object 3D Scene 3D Scene (group) Connector/Freeform Line Curve Shape Shape Text Form Control Text Box Formatting Glue Point Image Group Line/Arrow Dimension Line Media Multiple Selection Notebookbar OLE Object Outline Slide Slide Sorter/Pane Slide Sorter/Pane (no selection) Master Slide Sorter/Pane Master Slide Sorter/Pane (no selection) Table Text Box (drawing) 1,1 0 true 3D-Settings true 0,1 0 false Line and Filling true false false 3D-Objects false false Align Objects false false Lines and Arrows true false false Transformations 1,0 0 true Presentation true false Connectors false true false 2 Full Screen true true true true false Legacy Circles and Ovals false Text Box Formatting 0,0 1 true true true Form Filter 0,0 1 true true true true Form Navigation 0,1 1 true true Form Controls false false Form Design false false false Fontwork true true false Fontwork Shape false true 0,1 0 Image false true false Image Filter false true 0,1 0 Outline true true false false Insert false Curves and Polygons false true 0,2 0 false TSCP Classification false Basic Shapes false true false Symbol Shapes false true false Block Arrows false true false Flowchart false true false Callouts false true false Stars and Banners false true false Options false false Legacy Rectangles false false Position false true 1,0 0 Slide Sorter false true 1,0 0 Slide View true true 0,0 0 Standard true true false Text false 0,1 false Text Formatting true 0,1 0 true Drawing 0,0 1 true Table true false Zoom false Gluepoints 0,0 1 true true 1,1 0 Edit Points true true 0 true Standard (Viewing Mode) true true 0,1 1 Media Playback false true false false Color true false false Comments 2,0 0 true Master View true true false false Optimize true 0,3 1 Find false 0,0 0 Standard (Single Mode) false Notebookbar shortcuts false true IMPORT ALIEN 3RDPARTYFILTER PREFERRED org.libreoffice.comp.Impress.KeynoteImportFilter Apple Keynote 0 impress_AppleKeynote IMPORT EXPORT ALIEN sdfilt PowerPoint 97–2003 0 impress_MS_PowerPoint_97 IMPORT EXPORT ALIEN STARTPRESENTATION sdfilt PowerPoint 97–2003 AutoPlay 0 impress_MS_PowerPoint_97_AutoPlay IMPORT EXPORT TEMPLATE TEMPLATEPATH ALIEN sdfilt 0 impress_MS_PowerPoint_97_Vorlage PowerPoint 97–2003 Template IMPORT TEMPLATE OWN ALIEN ENCRYPTION XML 6200 draw_StarOffice_XML_Draw 1.0 Drawing (Impress) 0 impress_ODP_FlatXML,,,,,,true Flat XML ODF Presentation IMPORT EXPORT OWN 3RDPARTYFILTER IMPORT TEMPLATE OWN ALIEN PREFERRED ENCRYPTION XML 6200 impress_StarOffice_XML_Impress 1.0 Presentation 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PREFERRED ENCRYPTION PASSWORDTOMODIFY SUPPORTSSIGNING macro-enabled MS PowerPoint 2007 XML VBA PowerPoint 2007–365 VBA IMPORT EXPORT ALIEN 3RDPARTYFILTER PREFERRED ENCRYPTION PASSWORDTOMODIFY OOXML Office Open XML Presentation 1 Office Open XML Presentation IMPORT EXPORT ALIEN 3RDPARTYFILTER TEMPLATE TEMPLATEPATH PREFERRED OOXML Office Open XML Presentation Template 1 Office Open XML Presentation Template IMPORT EXPORT ALIEN 3RDPARTYFILTER PREFERRED STARTPRESENTATION ENCRYPTION PASSWORDTOMODIFY Office Open XML Presentation AutoPlay Office Open XML Presentation AutoPlay IMPORT ALIEN 3RDPARTYFILTER PREFERRED ClarisWorks/AppleWorks Presentation 0 impress_ClarisWorks IMPORT ALIEN 3RDPARTYFILTER PREFERRED org.libreoffice.comp.Impress.StarOfficePresentationImportFilter Legacy StarOffice Presentation 0 StarOffice_Presentation IMPORT ALIEN 3RDPARTYFILTER PREFERRED EXOTIC Legacy Mac Presentation 0 MWAW_Presentation IMPORT ALIEN 3RDPARTYFILTER Microsoft PowerPoint 1-4 and 95's 0 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