# Prior to perl 5.8.8-7, libnet was a seperate package with a debconf # configuration managed config in /etc/libnet.cfg which is used if # present. Remove the following line, or the old file before making # changes below. return do '/etc/libnet.cfg' if -f '/etc/libnet.cfg'; { nntp_hosts => [ qw {} ], snpp_hosts => [ qw {} ], pop3_hosts => [ qw {} ], smtp_hosts => [ qw {} ], ph_hosts => [ qw {} ], daytime_hosts => [ qw {} ], time_hosts => [ qw {} ], inet_domain => undef, ftp_firewall => qq {}, ftp_firewall_type => qq {}, ftp_ext_passive => 0, ftp_int_passive => 0, local_netmask => qq {}, }