# domainrc - Dillo cross-domain request rules file. # # Here you can tell Dillo what to do when one site wants to retrieve resources # (e.g., images, style sheets, redirection) from a different site. # # Lines that begin with a '#' are comments. # Default rule can be "accept" or "deny". default accept # Now we list exceptions to the default. The format is: # # source destination # # There are three ways that you can specify a source or destination domain: # # 1. * - wildcard will match any domain # 2. example.com - match the specific host example.com # 3. .example.com - match example.com and any of its subdomains # Let's block some of the most notorious ad sites and trackers. * .2o7.net * .admt.com * .adnxs.com * .atdmt.com * .collective-media.net * .crwdcntrl.com * .doubleclick.net * .effectivemeasure.net * .googleadservices.com * .imrworldwide.com * .quantserve.com * .revsci.net * .scorecardresearch.com * .webtrendslive.com * .yieldmanager.com