# -*- mode: sh -*- #- # Configuration for the rng-tools-debian initscript # Set to the input source for random data, leave undefined # for the initscript to attempt auto-detection. Set to /dev/null # for the viapadlock driver. #HRNGDEVICE=/dev/hwrng #HRNGDEVICE=/dev/null # Additional options to send to rngd. See the rngd(8) manpage for # more information. Do not specify -r/--rng-device here, use # HRNGDEVICE for that instead. #RNGDOPTIONS="--hrng=intelfwh --fill-watermark=90% --feed-interval=1" #RNGDOPTIONS="--hrng=viakernel --fill-watermark=90% --feed-interval=1" #RNGDOPTIONS="--hrng=viapadlock --fill-watermark=90% --feed-interval=1" # For TPM (also add tpm-rng to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules or /etc/modules): #RNGDOPTIONS="--fill-watermark=90% --feed-interval=1" # If you need to configure which RNG to use, do it here: #HRNGSELECT="virtio_rng.0" # Use this instead of sysfsutils, which starts too late.