# vim:syntax=apparmor # Profile for restricting lightdm guest session #include /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lightdm/lightdm-guest-session { # Most applications are confined via the main abstraction #include # chromium-browser needs special confinement due to its sandboxing #include # fcitx and friends needs special treatment due to C/S design /usr/bin/fcitx ix, /tmp/fcitx-socket-* rwl, /dev/shm/* rwl, /usr/bin/fcitx-qimpanel ix, /usr/bin/sogou-qimpanel-watchdog ix, /usr/bin/sogou-sys-notify ix, /tmp/sogou-qimpanel:* rwl, # Allow ibus unix (bind, listen) type=stream addr="@tmp/ibus/*", # mozc_server needs special treatment due to C/S design unix (bind, listen) type=stream addr="@tmp/.mozc.*", }